Operating Systems

In operating system, we will be explaining the few basic concepts as mentioned below:

Overview of Operating System
  • Introduction: Definition – System Components – Operating System Services – Types of System Calls -Operating System for different computing environments
Process Management
  • Process Management: Process Concepts: Process definition – Process State – Process Control Block.
    CPU Scheduling: Basic Concepts – Scheduling Criteria – Scheduling Algorithms (FCFS, SJF, Priority, Round-Robin)
    Thread: Overview – Benefits – User & Kernel Threads – Multithreading Models.
    Deadlocks: Characterization: Necessary Conditions – Resource Allocation graph – Detection (Single Instance and Multiple Instance) – Recovery (Process Termination and Resource Preemption).
Memory Management
  • Memory Management: Swapping – Contiguous Memory Allocation: Memory Protection -Memory Allocation – Fragmentation – Paging: Basic method – Hardware Support – Protection – Structure of the Page table – Hierarchical Paging – Hashed Page Tables – Inverted Page Table – Segmentation: Basic Method – Hardware – Protection and Sharing – Fragmentation – Demand Paging: Basic Concepts.
Storage Management 
  • File Management: File Concepts – Attributes – Operations – Types – Structure – Internal File Structure – Access Methods: Sequential, Direct – Indexed – Directory Structures: Single-level – Two-level – Tree Structured – Allocation Methods: Contiguous – Linked – Indexed – Free Space Management: Bit Vector – Linked List – Counting – Grouping.